Profile Picture
$ whoami
Hey there! I'm (aka JcfeJohn) - Your friendly neighborhood Discord wizard who speaks fluent Bot and makes automation look like magic ✨
$ cat skills.txt
🤖 Bot Sorcery ~ Custom bots that actually do what you want 🚀 Server Zen ~ Peak automation without the chaos ⚡ Community Magic ~ Building welcoming spaces where everyone can be themselves 🎯 Scaling Dreams ~ Growing communities through acceptance, not force
$ cat contact.txt
Email: (cookies accepted 🍪) Discord: @jcfejohn (puns included 😉) Need a bot smarter than your average toaster? Let's chat!
$ ls projects/
Listing all projects...
Discord Bot


Discord Bot

Personal Project

Management Automation Utility
Discord Bot

Halpo (v1)

Discord Bot

Moonton Games

Verification Management Utility
Discord Bot

Halpo (v2)

Discord Bot

Moonton Games

Verification Moderation Management Utility
Discord Bot


Discord Bot

Moonton Games

Economy Leveling Fun Games
Discord Bot


Discord Bot

Moonton Games

Fun Games
Discord Bot


Discord Bot

Moonton Games

Management Automation Utility
Discord Bot


Discord Bot

Moonton Games

Management Automation Utility
Discord Bot


Discord Bot

Moonton Games

Management Automation Utility
Discord Bot


Discord Bot

Moonton Games

Verification Moderation Management Utility
Discord Bot

CyBot (v2)

Discord Bot

Moonton Games

Management Automation Utility
Discord Bot

CyBot for UGC

Discord Bot

Moonton Games

Management Automation Utility
Discord Bot

Discord.js v14 Bot Template

Discord Bot

Personal Project

Discord Bot

AI Fritia

Discord Bot

Amazing Seasun Games

Management Automation Utility
Discord Bot


Discord Bot

Amazing Seasun Games

Management Automation Utility
Discord Bot


Forms Integration

Amazing Seasun Games

Discord Bot


Discord Bot

Kuro Games

Discord Bot

Mecha BREAK Assistant

Discord Bot

Amazing Seasun Games

Management Moderation Automation Utility
$ cat explanation.txt
Why are most of the projects labeled 2022? The term "Created" refers to the year when development began for each project. For instance, the Mecha BREAK Assistant is marked as "Created in 2022" because its development started that year. Although it was officially launched and made available in 2023, it remains an ongoing project, with maintenance and feature enhancements actively taking place to this day.
$ echo "Let's build something amazing together!"
Email me at